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Кампания к Героям 3 - Last Days of Peace

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Last Days of Peace
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
There are many things in the world that are never completed. And as ruler of this small empire, you know that supervision of your vast holdings is a must. You decide to roam the empire and see how things are shaping up.



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Last Days of Peace

Карты кампании

  • Hell hath no Fury - Союз нечисти А
    • Пролог: You have never ventured underground yourself but are familiar with one of the residents Down there. Xeron and you are friends for the moment. The small price yu had to pay to rule an empire. But now he is being threatened in his territory, which is part of yours too. Was your soul really worth it?
    • Эпилог: The Devil has a price. The very foundations on which your Empire was created has just been shakened!
  • Valley of the Warlords - Союз нечисти В
    • Пролог: 3 other Warlords have held out in one of the valleys you always thought was secure. Evidently it was'nt or they would'nt be there. It's time to secure your mineral rich valley once and for all.
    • Эпилог: Another urgent message arrives.....
  • Behemoths! - Союз нечисти С
    • Пролог: It seems that the animal keepers of your empire have grown weary of caring for the exotic beasts that roam your land freely. Now some Behemoths have escaped, and they need to be returned as well.
    • Эпилог: You teach the rest of the animal keepers your Iron Rule by beheading all Behemoth keepers. The new set of keepers are surprisingly eager to please.
  • Asess the Empire - Союз нечисти D
    • Пролог: There are many things in the world that are never completed. And as ruler of this small empire, you know that supervision of your vast holdings is a must. You decide to roam the empire and see how things are shaping up.
    • Эпилог: There's more than meets the eye. You have discovered flaws in your vast holdings. Evidently further investigation is in order.
  • A favor from Xeron - Союз нечисти E
    • Пролог: Xeron has located 2 of his backstabbing minions that created the trouble that had you so worried. Locate your imprisoned friend first, for it is the only way in which you'll defeat Mr. Badguy!
    • Эпилог: It's good to see the above ground once again. You hope you never have to venture down this God forsaken realm again.
  • Rebel Dragons - Союз нечисти F
    • Пролог: Upon further inspection of your lands, you hear townsfolk complaining about some rebellious Black Dragons that have escaped from their holding pens. They were to be used for the Knights' jousting amusement. So, you need to get them back to keep your knights happy.
    • Эпилог: After you slay the Dragons, you search out the Dragon Keepers and promptly have them arrested for their sloppy care of such beautiful beasts.
  • The Lost Ring - Союз нечисти G
    • Пролог: One of your Lords has lost the one ring that you prize so much. Fortunately for him, he does'nt know you've lost it. Now, he must retrieve it or lose his head...
    • Эпилог: Messengers are a blessing. One has come to you telling of the missing ring. Furiated, you accidentally kill the messenger, but it's just the beginning.
  • Paradise & The Undergrounds - Союз нечисти H
    • Пролог: The time has come to control all once and for all. If it was'nt for all these pesky border enemies, your Kingdom could function. Bandits, thieves and idiots are something you deal with anyway.
    • Эпилог: The Kingdom is secure. This should teach you not to venture out and meddle in others' affairs. But it is your Empire. It is your Soul. Now you'll have lasting days of Peace!!
  • Calypso Bay - Союз нечисти I
    • Пролог: A harsh existence in the paradisial land of Calypso has emerged. You have limited resources and start close to each other. Build your forces up and let your enemies bite the dust!
    • Эпилог: There seems to be more death and destruction thaan you first realized. Hopefully, the rest of the Empire is threaded up a little tighter.
  • Covert Operations - Союз нечисти J
    • Пролог: Your enemies have allied with each other to stop you at your border. Expansion was not in your plans, but enemies have a way of changing everything.
    • Эпилог: You spend the day with your troops burying the dead. It's the least you could do for them to boost their spirits.
  • Fat Takings - Союз нечисти K
    • Пролог: You are the leader of an ancient lizard temple called Lustria, your civilization has survived for millions of years. Last month a ship landed up the coast of your village and with it a very evil human known as Sam Elcock or the Fat One. he is trying to take over your land and your getting it back
    • Эпилог: You sail off in the knowledge that the Empire is becoming more secure with each passing day. But how soon can it be controlled?
  • Courage, my Lord! - Союз нечисти L
    • Пролог: Why do things keep disappearing? You hear of the Lord who lost your ring and decide to take his head as a signal to the Empire, this sort of empty headed thinking will not be tolerated. But, where's your Sword? You better find it in 3 months time.
    • Эпилог: Your sword is returned, and you swear to always keep it by your side. You'll need to...

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