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Кампания к Героям 3 - Kingdom Maintenance

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Kingdom Maintenance
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
In order to be a true ruler and warrior one must practice. Help Kilgor clear an area, get out of an undead pinch, defeat the relatives of Razor Claw, find the grail, and finally defeat all his enemies to solidify his seat in Krewlod.



Kingdom Maintenance0.09МБh3c
Kingdom Maintenance

Карты кампании

  • Mission 4 - Рион-пойнт
    • Примечание: Kilgor is to find and build the grail to spread his fame far and wide. He must succeed to make progress in his next and last mission. Kilgor will be limited to level 30 in this scenario and will carry over his skills, experience, and some artifacts to the next scenario.
  • Mission 2 - Грейнрич
    • Примечание: An undead hero has caught Kilgor in a land of living death. Slay this dark one and you can cure the land, Kilgor will be limited to level 18 and his skills, experience, spells, and something else (a surprise) to the next scenario.
  • Mission 1 - Бэтлстед
    • Пролог: I must succeed in everything I do if I expect to be the true ruler of Krewlod. For today I will test my skill at clearing an area and controlling all the creatures in the vicinity.
    • Эпилог: It is time to go to war now that I have practiced control of my minions.
    • Примечание: Here Kilgor must prove his ability to command a perfect army from less-than-perfect castles. He will be limited to level 12.
  • Mission 3 - Огненный брег
    • Примечание: The relatives of Razor Claw, whom you slew, are terrorizing this country and you will stop them. Kilgor is limited to level 24 and will carry over his skills, experience, spells, and another surprise to the next scenario (if you find the surprise).
  • Mission 5 - Саутпорт
    • Эпилог: Now that you have completed you quest you can go home to your lovely wife Adrienne :) For now there is peace in your kingdom. How long it will last is up to the foolish lords around you to decide.
    • Примечание: This is the last the last war Kilgor will have to wage for now. To succeed he must defeat all enemies. Do not lose Kilgor!

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